Director's Message

At InterAmerican Academy (IAA), we are the SHARKs, and our values are Safety, Honesty, Accountability, Respectfulness, and Kindness.
Having recently started at IAA, I can reiterate that IAA is a special place! A learning community and a hardworking team that works to live out its values and to bring them to life in all of our actions & practices. IAA has warmly welcomed my family and I this year, and we truly have a village to help and support us. We hope that all of our families at IAA feel this as well!
Our world-class faculty & staff work tirelessly, with lots of dedication and big hearts every day, to make sure that each child feels safe, valued, respected, and cared for on our campus.
As an inclusion school, IAA is firmly committed to supporting each individual child's learning needs, and making sure they are supported in a way allows them to find success and growth.
Also as a school filled with lifelong learners, we are committed to growing and flourishing together, and to always focusing on strengths first as we work together to build a strong home-school partnership.
At IAA, we challenge young minds to excel!
Thank you to the IAA family for your continued support of our educators, administrators, leaders, and students who are shaping themselves into positive future world leaders!
Kind regards,
Dr. Jessica Gilway
Executive Director at IAA
Executive Director at IAA
Dr. Jessica Gilway's short bio