What is a Gifted Child?
Definition: Giftedness is exceptional intellectual abilities and potential for achievement that requires specially designed instruction and/or services beyond those normally provided in the general classroom instruction.
Eligibility: An eligibility committee will determine that a student is eligible for special education services as a gifted student in grades two (2) through twelve (12) when the following criteria are met:
(1) At least one of the three core curriculum areas of academic achievement (math or reading) at the 90th percentile rank or higher in two consecutive testing cycles as measured by an individual standardized achievement test;
(2) General intellectual ability with a full scale score at the 95th percentile rank or higher on a comprehensive test of intellectual ability:
Special Considerations
If a student was determined eligible for an intellectually and academically gifted program in another school or district, the student will continue services at IAA. The Learning Plan Development Team will develop a PLAN for the student based upon the former PLAN and any new assessment data.