Foreign Language Program » Foreign Language Program

Foreign Language Program

Our students enjoy expressing themselves in multiple languages: including our annual Cafe Concierto. Students sing, recite poetry and perform in languages other than English.
“Between dreams lyrics and music”
This project aims to demonstrate the communication skills acquired by students, also working on their soft skills, development, and thinking skills acquired with a high level of training and methodological criteria.
In a poetic-musical evening, the students commemorate the International Day of Women, Literature, and Music in connection with educational objectives, through poetic declamations and musical interpretations.
"Your words count"
Creative writing is a totally productive tool, it contributes to the development and ability of thinking, comprehension, oral and written communication, paraphrasing, critical and analytical thinking, synthesis, coherence, Spelling and Grammar, and language practice.
By adequately driving soft skills and imagination in our students, we generate students who are confident and sure of their innovative creations.
The goal of this project is to teach students to understand how history and world events can influence the creation of a song.
Research the story behind a specific song and analyze how events and circumstances in the artist's life influenced the creation of the song.
Encourage creativity and artistic expression in students by preparing a model that represents the history of their work, exposing their projects to the IAA community.
AP Spanish Language and Literature is designed to provide students with the opportunity to efficiently develop linguistic, communicative, interpretive, interpersonal, and presentation skills.
It is guided by the teaching principles established by ACTFL which is, oral and written communication (interpersonal, interpretive, expository communication), including listening comprehension, oral and written expression, reading and writing.
Language and Literature aims to increase students' cultural knowledge in relation to Spanish-speaking countries and literary analysis including the ability to interpret literary texts and make connections between them and the cultural and historical context in which they were written, necessary for academic success.
The objective of the Spanish course is to provide students with tools to acquire knowledge of the language through various communication skills, exercising their reading, writing, oral expression, listening comprehension and critical thinking through the construction of knowledge based on taxonomy. from Marzano.
Encouraging analysis, debate and critical reflection will allow them to be autonomous in their learning, maintaining a critical attitude towards the information acquired and enhancing their creative writing skills.